Program- „Wielkopolska Warta Poznania”
Serdecznie zachęcamy do obejrzenia programu TVP Poznań pt.: „Wielkopolska Warta Poznania”, z dnia 27 czerwca br., w którym, w pierwszej części, Dagmara Szlandrowicz z Fundacji Barka Poznań oraz Katarzyna Dojka pracująca w Barki Holandia, opowiadały o doświadczeniach w pracy z osobami bezdomnymi na ulicach europejskich miast, w kontekście premiery filmu „Dziurawa Skarpeta na emigracji”. Program […]
Fundacja Barka poszukuje pracownika/Barka Foundation is looking for a Polish employee
Fundacja Barka poszukuje pracownika programu pomocy bezdomnym obywatelom krajów Europy Środkowo- Wschodniej w Reykjaviku Fundacja Barka poszukuje pracownika pilotażowego 6-miesięcznego programu pomocy bezdomnym obywatelom krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej w Reykjaviku. Barka prowadzi od 10 lat programy pomocowe w Londynie, Dublinie, Hadze, Rotterdamie, Antwerpii. Projekt prowadzony będzie we współpracy z Urzędem Miasta Reykjavik. Jego celem jest […]
Gender and Migration. Workshop@University of Calabria
Aleksandra Kubiak from Barka IE took part in a 5-day training on gender equality issues in the context of migration. Workshop which included lectures at the University of Calabria and study visits in a camp for refugees. October 16,Sunday Teatro dell’Acuqario- project assessment. Introduction to the project and discussion about desirable outcomes. October 17,Monday […]
Note from the meeting with Yuvi Basant
20/09/16 On Tuesday Aleksandra Kubiak (helpline coordinator of Barka Ireland) met Yuvi Basant (Project Manager) in Kilkenny to discuss the project “Experience of migrant women”. The focus of the project is identifying the experiences of migrant women living in Ireland, Italy, Germany, Turkey and Poland. This project is designed by the […]
Infolinia pomocowa dla Polakow w Irlandii / Barka IE new helpline project
Szanowni Państwo, Mamy przyjemność zakomunikować, ze Barka IE zainicjowała działalność bezpłatnej linii informacyjnej – telefonu zaufania dla obywateli polskich znajdujących się w trudnych sytuacjach socjalnych na terenie Irlandii. Projekt infolinii jest finansowany przez Senat Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej. W ramach infolinii będziemy się starać wspomóc naszych Rodaków w następujących kwestiach: – generalne informacje dotyczące życia i zatrudnienia na terenie Irlandii – porady dotyczące zatrudnienia […]
Over 171 people sleep rough in Dublin
102 people were found sleeping rough in Dublin on the night of April 24 and 69 people were in the Homeless Night Cafe on that night. This means that a minimum number of 171 people were without a bed for the night of April 24th. This compares to a total of 152 people on the […]
Ewa Sadowska speaks about modular houses and migrants’ homelessness in Dublin.
“In late September, Community Minister Alan Kelly announced that a short-term response to tackle homelessness crisis in Dublin has been found: modular houses.” Some opinions and thoughts about this idea were published in Metro Eireann:
Many people have told us that they would like to attend the conference planned for Saturday but family and other social commitments make attendance difficult. We have been encouraged by the level of interest shown, as well as the regret at the inconvenient day. And so in those circumstances we have decided to reschedule the […]
Current challanges in social policy. Poles in the EU. Homelessness and migrations
Ewa Sadowska of Barka Ireland took part in a scientific conference “Current challanges in social policy. Poles in the EU. Homelessness and migrations”. organised by Jan Długosz Academy in Czestochowa on the 3rd of December 2015. The conference highlighted a collection of good practises and reports of succesful civil society projects in the area of vulnerable migrants’ integration. Scholars […]
Civil Society Award for Barka
BARKA Foundation has won the 2nd prize (Civil Society Award) from the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) in Brussels for the project of vocational training centres for social integration supporting the unemployed people to return to labour market.
Zapraszamy na seminarium o migracji w POSK-u 30.01.2016
The about Barka IE
On 26th of October The published this article about our activities in Dublin.
Zaproszenie dla Barka IE na spotkanie z Panem Grzegorzem Schetyną, Ministrem Spraw Zagranicznych RP
Uprzejmie informuję, że w dniu 6 lipca br. krótką wizytę oficjalną w Irlandii złoży Pan Grzegorz Schetyna, Minister Spraw Zagranicznych RP, w związku z zaplanowanymi na ten dzień polsko-irlandzkimi konsultacjami politycznymi z Panem Charlesem Flanaganem, Ministrem Spraw Zagranicznych i Handlu Irlandii.
Embassy of Romania in the Kingdom of the Netherlands appreciates Barka’s support given to Romanian citizens
The Romanian embassy in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, brought its gratitude to Stichting Barka NL for the support offered to the Romanian citizens who do not cope with the challenges of their migration to the Netherlands.
A message for Easter Season…
(…) That is why we say to all: “Come and see!”. In every human situation marked by weakness, sin and death, the Good News is not just a word. It is a testimony of the selfless and faithful love. It is about going beyond oneself to meet the other and be close to those who […]