Entries by Aleksandra Kubiak

Reconnection of vulnerable citizen of EU of 2018

We are proud to share that from the 1st of January till the 31st of December 2018, 68 persons were reconnected via Barka IE to their home countries, 5 people was reconnected to Barka Community in Poznan where he’s in process of rehabilitation and job training. The nationality breakdown of reconnected individuals: 42 – Polish […]

Fundacja Barka- oddział irlandzki ( Barka for Mutual Help Ireland) poszukuje pracownika do programu pomocy bezdomnym obywatelom krajów Europy Środkowo- Wschodniej w Dublinie

Fundacja Barka  ( oddział irlandzki ) poszukuje pracowników do programu pomocy bezdomnym obywatelom krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej w Dublinie.  Barka prowadzi od 10 lat programy pomocowe m.in. w Londynie, Dublinie, Hadze, Rotterdamie, Brukseli i Rejkiawiku. Projekt w Dublinie finansowany jest ze środków Dublin City Council.  Jego celem jest pomoc obywatelom krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej w wyjściu z bezdomności, […]

Latvian National Day

Barka team in Dublin had the honor to be invited to Latvian National Day which took place in National Concert Hall on Thursday 18th October, followed by a concert of chamber orchestra KREMERATA BALTICA and violinist Mr Gidon Kremer. Spectacular music of one of the best violinist was an unforgettable experience for our team. We would like […]

Barka Team Berliner Zeitung

We encourage you to read an article about Barka Team in Berlin. The team will get support from the Senate: https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/berlin/-sie-brauchen-hilfe–polnische-sozialarbeiter-kuemmern-sich-um-obdachlose-landsleute-31003130?dmcid=sm_fb_p  

Reconnection of vulnerable EU citizens in 2017

We are proud to share that from the 1st of January till the 31st of December 2017, 88 persons were reconnected via Barka IE to their home countries, 6 persons were reconnected to Barka Community in Poznan and  Wladyslawowo where they are in process of rehabilitation and job training. The nationality breakdown of reconnected individuals: […]