Barka For Mutual Help IE is a non-for-profit organisation committed to assisting Central and Eastern European migrants in Ireland who are homeless, rough sleeping, face mental health issues or have been released from prison, in returning to their home countries.

Our team works in Dublin and consists of two persons: leader (who has a personal experience of homelessness, addictions and other life difficulties that he successfully overcame and rehabilitated within Barka Network program) and assistant – a person who is familiar with the language and regulations in Ireland and has a formal education (e.g., a degree in social work, psychology, etc.). Together they work in a team to help individuals on the streets, provide information or advice and, if necessary, ensure repatriation to a person’s home country. For those who struggle with addiction problems, we provide  help in returning to their home countries, either to enter rehab treatment facilities, mental help clinics, return directly to families, or to Barka Network programmes.

If you or someone you care about may need help, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Barka shows the perspective of rebuilding life even from the worst circumstances.

Assistant of the Leader (Aneta; speaks Polish & English)
Ph. +353874542653

Barka’s Leader (Tomasz)
Ph. +353868396276