New leader– Jerzy Tymczak

Since the beginning of January BARKA Ireland is hosting a new leader– Jerzy Tymczak. Jerzy met BARKA UK 8 years ago, being homeless migrant living on a streets of London for over one and a half year. Read more

Meeting with Mr Piotr Rakowski, Charges d’affaires of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Dublin

Barka IE’s leader Andrzej Dawidowski and assistant Jadwiga Sadowska at a meeting with Mr Piotr Rakowski, Charges d’affaires of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Dublin. Read more

Report by Adrian Kearns

Please find attached a report by Adrian Kearns, volunteer at Mendicity Day Centre about the study visit to Barka Centres in Poland and its partner organisations and local authorities on 3 – 7 November 2014. Read more

Merry Christmas

Dear Friends, In the magic time of Christmas let us not forget about those of us who experience suffering and struggle, those who are lonely, those searching for a helping hand, acceptance and love. Read more

Podziękowania Ambasady Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Dublinie

Pani Jadwiga Sadowska Asystent lidera Barka Irlandia

Chciałbym Pani serdecznie podziękować za współpracę z Ambasadą RP w Dublinie prowadzoną w ramach działalności Barka For Mutual Help Ireland. Program Barka Irlandia, realizowany w Dublinie od stycznia 2012 r., stanowi przykład udanego projektu pomocowego adresowanego do obywateli Polski. Działalność polskiej organizacji społecznej udzielającej bezpośredniej pomocy za granicą to unikatowa formuła, która przynosi wymierne rezultaty. Współpraca z lokalnym samorządem i partnerami społecznymi w Dublinie pozwoliła na stworzenie ośrodka dla osób najbardziej potrzebujących wsparcia. Read more

Meeting of Polish Diaspora in Ireland

On the 6th December in Embassy of the Republic of Poland on Ailesbury Road the place had a meeting of Polish Diaspora in Ireland. Members of Barka IE were also invited. We had a chance to meet there many interesting people representing Polish businesses, organisations, administration and religious communities. Read more

More than a roof at The House of Lords in the UK

Rev Lord Roberts of Llandudo hosted a presentation of the work of Barka UK, a charity which has reconnected thousands of homeless East European migrants to their families or to support centres in Eastern Europe, in the House of Lords on 2nd December.  Amongst the guests were ambassadors and consulate staff from several Eastern European embassies and Consulates, as well as staff from London local councils and the Home Office. Read more

Barka Foundation for Mutual Help wins European Civic Award

Barka Foundation has been awarded for supporting those most affected in the process of political transformation in Poland, and for popularizing the Social Economy in the world. One of the most important awards for outstanding citizens and organisations in the EU – the European Civic Award – will be presented to the Barka Foundation for Mutual Help. Justification and the nomination for this award was presented by MEP Agnieszka Kozłowska-Rajewicz. Read more

Volkskrant: Polish organization helps homeless in Utrecht

At Barka homeless doesn’t mean hopeless

Since the start of the project the disruption of public order caused by the homeless Middle and Eastern Europeans significantly decreased. Barka helps to encourage them to look for jobs or to go back to the country of origin. Read more