Barka Ireland Team (Mirek Zaczyński and Aleksandra Kubiak) workshop- Reel Multiplier event, Kilkenny, Ireland 29th of August, 2017

Roots Reel has designed and education workshops and training program involving learners from under resourced communities including people with disabilities, minority communities, refugees, people seeking asylum, women, youth, Travellers, long term unemployed men, people from diverse cultural backgrounds, adults who have been early school leavers, statutory and non-statutory  organizations and local government.

Presentation of documentary productions and workshops undertaken to date address the following thematic issues:
Human Rights, Citizenship and Identity, Globalisation, Education, Community Development, Gender Equality, Equality and Diversity, Democracy, Environmental Sustainability, Racism and Disability





Reportaż o księdzu Józefie i Barce Strzeleckiej

Serdecznie polecamy do obejrzenia  poruszającego reportażu o ks. Józefie i Barce Strzeleckiej w programie TVN “Czarno na Białym” :,42,m/czarno-na-bialym-ksiadz-jozef-krawiec,769513.html

Reconnection of vulnerable EU citizens in the month of August 2017

We are proud to share that in the month of August, 16 persons were reconnected via Barka IE to their home countries, 2 persons were reconnected to Barka Community in Poznan and  Wladyslawowo where they are in process of rehabilitation and job training. . This is 5 women, 1 child  and 10 men.

The nationality breakdown of reconnected individuals:

Polish – 6 persons

Romanian – 8 person

Croatian – 2

Interview with BARBARA SADOWSKA:

We encourage you to read an interview with Barka Foundation’s co-founder Babarbara Sadowska. Barbara is also an Ashoka Fellow, a Schwab Foundation Social Entrepreneur and now a Team Leader of “Fostering Social Entrepreneurship” in Macedonia:

Reconnection of vulnerable EU citizens in the month of June 2017

We are proud to share that in the month of June, 9 persons were reconnected via Barka IE to their home countries. This is 3 women and 6 men. Among those reconnected there is 1 Polish citizen, 7 Romanian citizens and 1 Lithuanian citizen. The individuals returned to their families.

From JANUARY 2017 to JUNE 2017, 46 individuals returned via BARKA IE to their families, 4 persons were reconnected to Barka Community in Poznan where they are in process of rehabilitation and job training.

The nationality breakdown of reconnected individuals:

Polish – 21 persons

Romanian – 15 persons

Lithuanian – 4 persons

Slovakian – 2 persons

Czech -1 person

Latvian – 1 person

Hungarian – 1 person

Italian -1 person


Program- „Wielkopolska Warta Poznania”

Serdecznie zachęcamy do obejrzenia programu TVP Poznań pt.: „Wielkopolska Warta Poznania”, z dnia 27 czerwca br., w którym, w pierwszej części, Dagmara Szlandrowicz z Fundacji Barka Poznań oraz Katarzyna Dojka pracująca w Barki Holandia, opowiadały o doświadczeniach w pracy z osobami bezdomnymi na ulicach europejskich miast, w kontekście premiery filmu „Dziurawa Skarpeta na emigracji”.

Program do obejrzenia pod:

Fundacja Barka poszukuje pracownika/Barka Foundation is looking for a Polish employee

Fundacja Barka poszukuje pracownika programu pomocy bezdomnym obywatelom krajów Europy Środkowo- Wschodniej w Reykjaviku

Fundacja Barka poszukuje pracownika  pilotażowego 6-miesięcznego programu pomocy bezdomnym obywatelom krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej w Reykjaviku.  Barka prowadzi od 10 lat programy pomocowe w Londynie, Dublinie, Hadze, Rotterdamie, Antwerpii. Projekt  prowadzony będzie we współpracy z Urzędem Miasta Reykjavik.  Jego celem jest pomoc obywatelom krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej w wyjściu z bezdomności, uzależnień i innych trudności życiowych. Projekt będzie prowadzić holenderski oddział fundacji Barka.

Strony internetowe Fundacji Barka w Polsce oraz holenderskiego oddziału: ,

Opis stanowiska pracy: praca w dwuosobowym zespole z osobą mającą osobiste doświadczenie bezdomności i uzależnień, które przezwyciężyła; praca w miejscach pobytu osób bezdomnych w Reykjaviku ( noclegownia, centra dziennego pobytu i inne miejsca)

Wymagania: narodowość polska, wykształcenie wyższe ( preferowane nauki społeczne), dobra znajomość j.angielskiego, znajomość j.islandzkiego będzie dodatkowym atutem, gotowość do odbycia dwutygodniowego szkolenia w Holandii i Polsce jako etap rekrutacji.

Miejsce pracy : Reykjavik

Wymiar czasu pracy: pełen etat

Przewidywany czas  rozpoczęcia pracy: grudzień 2016


Pierwszym etapem rekrutacji będzie rozmowa kwalifikacyjna w listopadzie 2016 ( 24-25 listopad) w Reykjaviku. Drugim etapem rekrutacji będzie dwutygodniowe szkolenie w Holandii i w Polsce, w projektach Fundacji Barka w listopadzie/grudniu 2016.


Osoby zainteresowane prosimy o przesłanie cv oraz listu motywacyjnego na adres: do 22 listopada 2016.


Barka Foundation is looking for a Polish employee to a support programme for homeless  Middle and Eastern European nationals

Barka Foundation is looking for a Polish employee for a 6 month pilot support project for homeless Middle and Eastern European nationals in Reykjavik. Barka has been running support programmes for vulnerable and homeless persons in London, Dublin, The Hague, Rotterdam, Antwerp for 10 years, The project in Reykjavik will be run in cooperation with Reykjavik municipality. The aim of the project is support and guidance in overcoming homelessness, addictions and other life difficulties to homeless Middle and Eastern European nationals in Reykjavik. The programme will be run by the Dutch branch of Barka Foundation.

Websites: ,

Job description: work in two-person team together with an experienced employee, who had himself a personal experience of homelessness and addiction in the past; working at places where homeless persons come to in Reykjavik ( night shelter, day shelters etc); full time work.

Requirements: Polish nationality, higher education ( preferred in the field of social sciences); good command of English language; good command of Icelandic language will be an extra asset; willingness to participate in a 2-weeks training in the Netherlands and Poland as a part of recruitment process.

The project will start in December 2016.

The first stage of he recruitment process will be an interview. Interviews will take place on 24th and 25th of  November 2016 in Reykjavik. The second stage of the recruitment process will be a 1-2 week training in Barka projects in the Netherlands/Poland in November/December 2016.

Please apply with a detailed cv and a motivation letter to by 22nd of November 2016.



Gender and Migration. Workshop@University of Calabria



Aleksandra Kubiak from Barka IE took part in a 5-day training on gender equality issues in the context of migration. Workshop  which included lectures at the University of Calabria and study visits in a camp for refugees.

October 16,Sunday

Teatro dell’Acuqario- project assessment. Introduction to the project and discussion about desirable outcomes.

October 17,Monday

University of Calabria. Intercultural dialogue. Meeting Association La Kasbah (professor Enza Papa). Methodological issue. Lecture followed by discussion on the topic.

Intercultural dialogue is essentially the exchange of views and opinions between different cultures. Unlike multiculturalism, where the focus is on the preservation of separate cultures, intercultural dialogue seeks to establish linkages and common ground between different cultures, communities and people, promoting understanding and interaction.

University of Calabria. Migrants and refugees in Italy and in Calabria (professor Maia Francesca D’Agostino). Lecture on the topic of migrants and refugees issue in  Italy.

October 18,Tuesday

University of Calabria. Gender and migration. Theoretical aspect and methodological issue (professor Sabrian Garofalo and Stefania Salvino). Lecture followed by discussion on the topic.

In approximately three decades, gender and migration scholarship has moved from a few studiest hat included women immigrants or included gender as a dichotomous variable to a burgeoning literature that has made significant contributions to understanding numerous aspects of the migration experience. The larger field of migration studies, however, has not yet fully embraced feminist migration analysis and theory

Meeting with migrant/refugees organization Cosenza (Calabria)

October 19,Wednesday

University of Calabria. Gender and migration. Interviewing migrants women (Elena Musolino and Valentina Fedele). Listening to the numbers of the interviews of migrants/refugees women and discussing the problems that migrants/refugees women are experience in the receiving country.

Women who immigrate to Europe in the 21st century come in search of economic opportunity, to join family members, or as asylum seekers and refugees. They arrive through legal channels or can be unauthorized; they migrate voluntarily or can be forced to migrate; and some are victims of human trafficking or other forms of exploitation.

October 20,Thursday

Day in Riace, a small village in Calabria. Riace is widely described in the media as the village where migrants are welcome. It all started in 1998, when a boatload of 300 Kurdish refugees arrived on the local shore. One man sat up Citta Futura ( town of the future) with the ambition to both help refugees and revive what was then a dying rural village. That mam later become mayor:Domenico Lucano, whom everyone affectionately calls Mimmo Lucano. Taking refugees allowed the village to preserve basic services such as school, but also shops and business that had virtually disappeared, Lucano said: “The arrival of these people fueled dynamics that create hope. For the people who arrived, but also for the people here”


Note from the meeting with Yuvi Basant







On Tuesday Aleksandra Kubiak (helpline coordinator of Barka Ireland) met Yuvi Basant (Project Manager) in Kilkenny to discuss the project “Experience of migrant women”. The focus of the project is identifying the experiences of migrant women living in Ireland, Italy, Germany, Turkey and Poland.

This project is designed by the Center of Aware Study (Ireland) and it involves five countries: Poland, Germany, Ireland, Italy and Turkey. Important aspect of this project is to look at the experience of migrant women from ethnically diverse group such as asylum seekers, refugees.

During the meeting Aleksandra Kubiak and Yuvi Basant agreed that it would be very important to make the best of this project so that the voice of women in direct provision centers in Ireland is better heard. More than 5,000 people are currently living in direct provision centers in Ireland as asylum seekers, waiting for a decision on whether they would be awarded a refugee status.  In these centers families often live together in one room, while single people share with others. They are not allowed to work – though children can go to school – and adults receive €19.10 a week from the State. Many are left in limbo while the State decides on their future. A great challenge is to overcome the sexual exploitation taking place in direct provision centers. These includes women and minors being approached by pimps for the purposes of prostitution, children being groomed by men in the hostels and in the community and cases of sexual harassment and propositioning.

Aim of this project is to highlight experience of migrant women, their struggle and obstacles to develop academic models that could be introduced to officials and influence greater integration and education policy in the countries involved in the project.

Project outcomes:

Interviews (off camera if needed)

Digital handbook with stories of individuals and their experience in the host country

Photos exhibition

Final conference sharing the achievements of the project


Infolinia pomocowa dla Polakow w Irlandii / Barka IE new helpline project



Szanowni Państwo,

Mamy przyjemność zakomunikować, ze Barka IE zainicjowała działalność bezpłatnej linii informacyjnej – telefonu zaufania dla obywateli polskich znajdujących się w trudnych sytuacjach socjalnych na terenie Irlandii. Projekt infolinii jest finansowany przez Senat Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej.

W ramach infolinii będziemy się starać wspomóc naszych Rodaków w następujących kwestiach:

– generalne informacje dotyczące życia i zatrudnienia na terenie Irlandii
– porady dotyczące zatrudnienia i integracji z rynkiem pracy
– świadczenia socjalne
– zabezpieczenia społeczne
– porady prawno-administracyjne
– informacje o centrach pomocy dziennej oraz noclegowniach
– informacje w sprawie działających grup Anonimowych Alkoholików (AA) oraz Anonimowych Narkomanów (AN)
– oferujemy możliwość powrotu do jednej ze wspólnot Barki, gdzie ich uczestnicy maja dostęp do detoksykacji, terapii i uczenia się nowych umiejętności pracy.

ZADZWOŃ: (00353)874542653


We are pleased to announce that Barka IE started a free helpline project to support Polish citizens in Ireland who found themselves in difficult social and economic situations. This project is funded by the Polish Senate.

As part of this service we will provide advice and support on issues such as:
– General information on living and working in Ireland
– Advice on employment and labour market integration
– social benefits
– Social security
– Legal and administrative advice
– Information on support centers day and night shelters
– Information on the working groups of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (AN)
–  We offer an opportunity to return home, to family, a rehab unit or a support networks run by NGOs, eg. Barka’s community houses in Poland, where a person can access detoxification, therapy and learn new work skills. We can also arrange for a rehabilitation.
