Reconnections January-September 2023

From the 1st of January until the 30th of September 2023, there were 120 persons reconnected:

  1. Romania 56
  2. Poland 28
  3. Latvia 8
  4. Ukraine 5
  5. Slovakia 5
  6. Portugal 3
  7. Italy 3
  8. Hungary 3
  9. Croatia 1
  10. Dutch 1
  11. Germany 1
  12. Turkey 1
  13. Iraq 1
  14. Belgium 1
  15. Czech Rep 1
  16. Canada 1
  17. Lithuania 1

Of which:

72 men
29 women
19 youngsters

Including: 9 families

From January to September 2023 we’ve had contacts with 340 individuals. We’ve had regular contact with many of the people whom we’ve met for the first time in previous years. In the meantime, we also met 282 newcomers.