Polish community in Ireland celebrates 20th anniversary of Poland joining the UE
Aneta Kubas from the arm of of Barka For Mutual Help IE and other representatives of Polish community in Ireland took part in a meeting with Minister of State for Community Development, Integration and Charities Joe O’Brien TD in Leinster House on 1.05.2024 to mark the 20th anniversary of Poland joining the EU and summarise […]
Quarterly monitoring report on the work of BARKA For Mutual Help IE with Central and Eastern European migrants in Dublin 01/01/2024 – 31/03/2024
Quarterly monitoring report on the work of BARKA For Mutual Help IE with Central and Eastern European migrants in Dublin 01/01/2024 – 31/03/2024 TOTAL NUMBER OF RECONNECTIONS 01/2012–03/2023: 1001 PERSONS BARKA IE is a charity based in Dublin working to help people experiencing homelessness. It is a part of world BARKA network with […]
Increased demand on Barka IE help
‘Overwhelmed’ charity getting requests from immigrants to help them return home after Irish dream turns into nightmare Ralph Riegel, Mon 18 Mar 2024 More than 200 eastern Europeans who moved to Ireland to work only to fall into a nightmare of poverty, addiction and homelessness were supported and helped to return to their home countries last […]
Barka IE w TVP Polonia/ TVP Polonia on Barka IE
Serdecznie zapraszamy do zapoznania się z odcinkami tygodnika TVP Polonii 24 , w których jest mowa o działalności naszej organizacji: https://polonia24.tvp.pl/76568605/przeglad-polonijnych-portali-internetowych-21032024Barka IE w TVP Polonia/ TVP Polonia on Barka IE Oraz: https://polonia24.tvp.pl/76805802/polonia-24-tygodnik-04042024
Polska organizacja charytatywna w Dublinie „przytłoczona” prośbami o pomoc
Polska organizacja charytatywna jest „przytłoczona” prośbami ze strony imigrantów z Europy Wschodniej. Gdy marzenie o lepszym życiu na „Zielonej Wyspie” zamienia się w koszmar, potrzebna jest pomoc w powrocie do ojczyzny. Remigiusz Wiśniewski 19.03.2024 Ponad 200 mieszkańców Europy Wschodniej zgłosiło się do polskiej organizacji charytatywnej z siedzibą w irlandzkim Dublinie. Barka pomaga imigrantom, którzy popadli […]
Reconnections January – December 2023
From the 1st of January 2023 until the 31st of December 2023, there were 155 persons reconnected with BARKA’s support: 97 men 34 women 24 youngsters Including 11 families COUNTRY OF ORIGIN Total: 155 Romania 63 Poland 36 Latvia 16 Ukraine 8 Slovakia 5 Portugal 3 Hungary 4 UK 4 Italy 3 Czech Rep 2 Lithuania 2 Croatia […]
Reconnections January-September 2023
From the 1st of January until the 30th of September 2023, there were 120 persons reconnected: Romania 56 Poland 28 Latvia 8 Ukraine 5 Slovakia 5 Portugal 3 Italy 3 Hungary 3 Croatia 1 Dutch 1 Germany 1 Turkey 1 Iraq 1 Belgium 1 Czech Rep 1 Canada 1 Lithuania 1 Of which: 72 men 29 women 19 youngsters Including: 9 families […]
Report on the study visit to The Netherlands, 26th September – 1st October 2023
On the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of Barka NL (Stichting Barka), a study visit involving the international Barka network, co-funded by the EU Erasmus Plus programme, took place with the following participants: Barka NL, Barka UK, Barka Ireland, the Barka For Mutual Aid Foundation in Poland and Barka Germany By Anna McKeever Tuesday, 26th September […]
Reconnections January – June 2023
From the 1st of January until the 30th of June 2023, there were 83 persons reconnected: Romania 42 Poland 17 Latvia 7 Ukraine 4 Slovakia 3 Portugal 3 Italy 2 Croatia 1 Hungary 1 Dutch 1 Germany 1 Turkey 1 Of which: 47 men 23 women 13 youngsters 7 families The Barka team also supported […]
Why is Ireland’s Polish community returning home?
‘Property prices here are much too high…The difference for what they’d get in Poland is mad’ Marta Starosta has lived in Ireland for almost 20 years now, having moved here as part of a large wave of Polish people who emigrated in search of better working opportunities in 2004, when Poland joined the EU. Ireland […]
Thank you note
Barka Ireland would like to thank Mary Flynn, Deputy Director at DRHE Housing and Community Services who is leaving Dublin City Council to enjoy her retirement, for her dedication and service to the citizens of Dublin Region, and for her support to civil society. Mary has been very passionate about ending homelessness and rough sleeping […]
BARKA IE meets The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity
Our representative of Barka Ireland took part in the meeting with Jerzy Owsiak – the charismatic leader of Poland’s biggest non-governmental, non-profit, charity foundation, The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. This charity raises money for pediatric and elderly people’s care. The GOCC aims to improve health care in Poland by purchasing state-of-the-art medical equipment for […]
Migrant homelessness: ‘With the difficult housing situation, they simply end up on the streets’
Housing charities report growing concerns over the number of migrants falling into homelessness Living in precarious, often overcrowded housing, in sometimes informal arrangements, migrants more than most find themselves at the sharp end of the housing crisis. Now housing and migrant charities warn the shortage of affordable rental accommodation is increasingly seeing migrants fall […]
BARKA IE – Praca na stanowisku Asystenta Administracyjnego w Dublinie
Barka w Dublinie poszukuje pracownika do pomocy w sprawach biurowych i administracyjnych. Barka Irlandia poszukuje pracownika do pomocy administracyjnej związanej z prowadzeniem biura w ramach programu Powroty bezdomnych obywateli Polski i innych krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Od 2007 roku Barka prowadzi programy pomocowe zagranicami Polski m.in. w Londynie, Dublinie, Hadze, Rotterdamie, Antwerpii i Rejkiawiku. Celem działań […]
Reconnections of vulnerable citizens of EU – Summary for the year 2022
During the year 2022, 113 people were reconnected via BARKA For Mutual Help IE to their home countries: 1) Romania – 61 2) Poland -26 3) Latvia – 6 4) Lithuania – 5 5) Slovakia – 4 6) Ukraina – 3 7) Czech Rep. – 3 8) Germany – 2 9) Hungarian – 1 10) Denmark […]