Meeting at the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Dublin

On the 24th of March, a three-hour meeting with Polish organizations in Ireland was held at the premises of the Polish Embassy in Dublin. The meeting was attended by the representatives of the following organizations: Barka IE and Barka UK, “Caird”, “CKU”, “Crosscare”, “Forum-Polonia”, “Limerick”, “My-Mind”, “Razem-Together” and “Umbrella”.
Meeting was chaired by Consul Wojciech Dzięgiel. During his speech Consul Dziegiel talked about issues related to the relationship between with the Consulate and the Polish Embassy in Dublin and the Polish organizations working, in the broad sense, in the area of social assistance. The representatives of Barka in Ireland presented the results of the Reconnections Project run in Dublin.

Consul and representatives of organizations have expressed their appreciation for the work of Barka IE and willingness to cooperate and participate in a study visit to Barka Nerwork in Poland.

Next meeting will take place at the end of June. At the meeting Barka was asked to present a six-month report on the results of the Reconnection project and the Employment project of A10 nationals in Dublin.