Meeting with Larkin Job Club

Barka organized a meeting in the hostel with Larkin Job Centre on Friday the 11th of May. People from the Job Centre talked about possible option of help in looking for job, writing CV, preparing for interviews, etc. They made appointments for Larkin Centre to work personally with the people interested to extend their job-seeking perspectives. They also stressed that it is very difficult to find job on the labour market in Dublin and also native Irish and young foreign people with good English have problems in finding jobs. 11 people made appointments with the Larkin Job Centre for searching employment options.

Safe Pass course

Between the 10thof May and the 19thof May Barka IE organized a safe pass course for 9 people from the hostel. The safe pass certificate is needed for working in construction.

Visit in Polish Consulate

Barka IE staff visited Polish consulate on the 9th of May to talk with the General Consul about situation of Polish migrants in Dublin and in Europe. The Consul was interested in the work Barka is doing in “reconnection projects” across Europe. We talked about the cooperation – the Consul thanked Barka for the work done for our fellow-citizens and Barka thanked for the help which we received from the Consulate. We talked about passports which Barka is arranging for Polish migrants and the Consul asked if Barka will be able to pay the debts of the people who need a new passport. Barka was able to pay for the three men which took passport before and did not pay for it.

Meeting with De Paul organization

Barka IE staff had a meeting concerning the residents of North Frederic St. hostel with De Paul organization. To workers form De Paul and Barka leader and assistant will work jointly on changing the situation of the residents. At the moment there are 34 men living in the hostel. Barka and De Paul are undertaking several activities to change the life situation of the residents: reconnection, employment, medical assistance, help with receiving financial support from welfare office, etc.

Steering group with Dublin City Council and partner organizations

On Tuesday the 1st of May partnership meeting took place. In the meeting representative of Dublin City Council – Gerry Folan took part and also representatives of Simon Community Detox – Mary Fleming, representatives of De Paul organization – David Carroll and Catherine Scully, representative of MendicityInsitution – Charles Richards and Barka IE staff – AndrzejSydoruk, Maria Sadowska and BartoszPawlak. During this meeting partners were discussing the monthly report and issues of Barka IE work in the North Frederic St. hostel and Mendicity Institution (day center which supplies meals). The results of the reconnection and employment projects were discussed. Partners also talked about their study visit in Poland which will take place at the end of May (27-30.05.2012). Next meeting will take place on Monday the 14th of May at 2 pm in The Homeless Agency.

Barka IE – Summary on the work during 9 January 2012 until 23 March 2012

Barka Reconnections project in Dublin has started on the 9th of January 2012. Barka staff Leader (Andrzej Sydoruk) and Barka assistants have been based in Mendicity Institution Day Centre as well as the Santa Maria Hostel.

January 2012: 240 contacts with 40 beneficiaries
February 2012: 519 contacts with 52 beneficiaries
March 2012 (1st March – 23rd March): 570 contacts with 57 beneficiaries

Recruitment of an employee for the coordination of employment project

During the 24th to the 28th of March Barka in Dublin conducted a recruitment process for the coordinator of the employment project. More than twenty applications were received by Barka IE. The Board selected five top candidates with whom the interviews were held. The interviews were conducted by the Director of Barka UK – Ewa Sadowska.

The new staff member will be responsible for assistance into employment, helping to obtain documents and a PPS number, assisting with writing CVs and in contacting the job agencies.
The new employee will start work from the 15th of April on a part-time basis

Partnership meeting with Dublin City Council and partner organizations

On the 26th of March the Partnership meeting was held with the participation of local government of Dublin and partner organizations. In the meeting participated: representative of Dublin City Council – Gerry Folan, manager of Mendicity day centre and Trustee of Barka IE – Charles Richards, manager of the “Santa Maria” hostel for the homeless which had been closed last weekend – Catherine, Betty Sission (Mendicity and Trustee of Barka IE), a representative of Crosscare, director of Barka UK – Ewa Sadowska, Barka Leader – Andrzej Sydoruk and Bartosz Pawlak – assistant.
The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss the report summarizing the three months’ work of Barka IE, a detailed analysis of those who have returned to Poland, analysis of the people referred to detox, beneficiaries who are being convinced to return to Poland, and those who received documents through Barka or found employment.
The last part of the meeting was devoted to discussion over the new Employment Coordinator of Barka IE.
Participants have expressed satisfaction with the partnership and the results and work of Barka IE in Dublin. The next Board meeting will take place on the 16th of April.

Interviews with media

On the 25th and 26th of March two interviews with Barka IE representatives were held. The first interview was for the national Irish newspaper and a second for the Irish radio station.

Both interviews were with regards to the problem of homelessness of Eastern European migrants in Ireland, the economic crisis and the general lack of jobs.

The journalists asked about the work of Barka IE and other Barka’s branches across Europe. There was a question about the work of Barka Leaders and Assistants, level of addictions of the homeless Poles, the social situation of homeless A10 migrants in Ireland, the Reconnections Project to the home countries, integration and vocational training programmes within the Barka Network and about the forms of active social policy in Poland.
The copies of these interviewes will be posted on Barka websites.

Opening of the new hostel for Central and Eastern European migrants

Last weekend (24-25 March) a new hostel on North Frederic Street was opened. Eastern European residents of the Santa Maria hostel, where Barka IE representatives had worked successfully, moved to the new hostel. So 33 migrants in total changed their residence. In the new hostel there will be protection measures in place such as ban on alcohol and drugs.
Barka IE employees will start to work with migrants in the new hostel from the 2nd of April.
Prepared by Bartosz Pawlak, Barka IE project assistant Tel. +353 86 839 6271