Entries by Aneta Kubas

Monitoring ANNUAL report on the work of BARKA for Mutual Help with the Central and Eastern European citizens in Dublin 01/01 – 31/12/2021

This report presents data covering the year 2021, providing the insight into the impact of the Covid-19 ‘lockdown’ period on homelessness. OUR MISSION The mission of Barka IE is to provide severely excluded Eastern European migrants with the opportunity for reconnection and social reintegration. We can support individuals within Barka Network projects in Poland, help […]

Reconnections of vulnerable citizens of EU – Summary for the year 2021

From the 1st of January till the 31 of December 2021, 131 persons were reconnected via BARKA For Mutual Help IE to their home countries: 56 men 43 children 32 women . Most of the people we supported with reconnection in 2021 were Romanian citizens (70%), Polish (13%), and Lithuanians (8%). The nationality breakdown of […]

Barka IE na szkoleniu “Senat Polonii Europy”

  Przedstawicielka Barki IE wzięła udział w szkoleniu “Senat Polonii Europy”, w Warszawie. Jest to projekt skierowany do działaczy polonijnych. Łącznie uczestniczyło w nim 25 aktywistów z 7 krajów: Irlandii, Litwy, Łotwy, Grecji, Finlandii, Malty i Armenii. Projekt rozpoczął się 21.09, uroczystą inauguracją w Muzeum Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, „Senat Polonii Europy” to 10-dniowy interdyscyplinarny projekt edukacyjno–integracyjny, […]

Christmas wishes from BARKA’S community

2020 will be a year seared into all our memories, just like this Christmas. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought so many changes and challenges into our lives. We would like to thank all our partners and stakeholders for their commitment and dedication during these uncertain times. We wish that all of BARKA FOUNDATION IE partners, […]

Videos and publications about BARKA in Ireland and Poland

“According to Thomas” – a film about the story and the vision behind Barka – with English subtitles: https://youtu.be/QkPWRqOBJME The film “Domino Effect”- presents the Barka organic farm rehabilitation community in the village of Chudobczyce, near Poznań, Poland (English subtitles): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7PylVdbtpw&feature=youtu.be a 3-minute introduction to Barka’s work in Poland : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51EfULRSrzQ THE IRISH TIMES: https://www.irishtimes.com/news/health/covid-quarantine-centre-many-are-completely-destitute-they-have-nothing-1.4405527 […]

O Barce w TVP Polonia

Działania Barka for Mutual Help Ireland zaprezentowała w maju polonijna stacja TVP Polonia. Pracownicy z Dublina opowiedzieli o flagowym programie Powroty, dzięki któremu do swoich krajów powróciło tylko w ubiegłym roku 77 Polaków, Litwinów, Łotyszy, Słowaków, Węgrów, Bułgarów, Brytyjczyków i Rumunów. Przybliżyli także sposoby wspierania osób potrzebujących na miejscu, w stolicy Irlandii. Program został nagrany […]