
From Homelessness to a Fresh Start: Katarzyna and Bartlomiej’s Journey

Katarzyna and Bartlomiej arrived in Ireland three years ago, from Poland, finding work on farms that provided accommodation. However, three months ago, they lost their jobs and ended up on the streets. They lived in a tent and survived by collecting cans and bottles. Every day, they walked about 10 kilometers searching for recyclables. At one point, Katarzyna sprained her ankle, and Bartlomiej had to take on most of the scavenging work himself. Meanwhile, they tried to apply for social welfare, but without a permanent address, the process was complicated.

After weeks of struggling, the couple decided to seek help from a local organization that supports the homeless. The organization referred them to Barka. In a phone conversation with Barka, Bartlomiej explained that they both had an opportunity to work on a farm in Belgium but lacked passports and money for the journey. After receiving confirmation from the employer in Belgium about their readiness to hire them, Barka’s staff helped the couple organize Emergency Travel Documents (ETDs) and purchased flight tickets to Brussels, followed by train tickets to their place of accommodation and work.

Barka ensured that Katarzyna and Bartlomiej had a warm meal before their departure, provided food for the journey, and gave them a small amount of pocket money.

A New Beginning Awaits

Thanks to the assistance provided by Barka, Katarzyna and Bartlomiej now have the opportunity to rebuild their lives and start anew in Belgium. Their story is a testament to the power of compassion and support in helping people transition from hardship to hope. With determination and the right help, new beginnings are possible for anyone.