From Despair to Hope: Andrei’s Journey

Andrei arrived in Ireland two years ago from Bulgaria with the hopes of learning English and earning some money. Over the months, he worked in various places, most recently on a cow farm. Without access to a bank branch, Andy kept his savings with him, which he guarded diligently.

Andrei worked alongside two colleagues. One day, one of them stole all his belongings and life savings. Devastated, Andy reported the theft to the police, but unfortunately, the Garda were unable to locate the thief. This loss was compounded when Andy subsequently lost his job and accommodation, forcing him to sleep rough.

Andrei reached out to Focus Ireland, who then referred him to us at Barka. Recognizing his immediate needs, we arranged for Andy to stay one night in a hostel where he could rest and shower. Additionally, we booked a flight for him to return home.

Andrei was very grateful for the support he received from Barka. He shared his plans to start working as a tour guide in Bulgaria, using the English skills he acquired during his time in Ireland. Andrei has returned to his mother’s house to recover and regroup.

Andriei’s story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the importance of timely support. While his journey in Ireland ended abruptly and tragically, the assistance provided by Focus Ireland and Barka has given him the chance to rebuild his life and pursue new opportunities. Andrei’s determination and positive outlook serve as an inspiration, highlighting the critical role of community support services in times of crisis.