Ewa Sadowska among the finalists of the contest ‘Polish Woman of the Year in the UK’

‘Polish Woman of the Year’ competition is being organised by the Congress of Polish Women in the UK. The aim of the contest is to honour the outstanding women which would inspire others with their passion and actions, making a positive difference in the world around them.

Ewa Sadowska, the Chief Executive of Barka UK, has been nominated for her commitment to charity work, which was met with approval of the Chapter. She was chosen as one of the ten final nominees to the next stage of the competition, which is determined by online voting. The results will be announced on April 20 at the Polish Embassy in London.

The aim of the Congress is to highlight the great participation of Polish women in social and economic life in the United Kingdom through the presentation of their personal success and professional achievements. The meeting will provide an opportunity to discuss the issues effecting every women, such as: career path, gender equality, stereotyping, women’s rights and many other issues impacting their daily lives. The ultimate goal is to create an environment where Polish women working and living in the UK could fully realise their potential. Patrons of the Congress are Polish Ambassador in London Mr. Witold Sobków and the Association of Women’s  Congress based in Warsaw. For further information please follow this link: http://krolestwopolek.eu/kongres-2013

To vote for Ewa Sadowska please click here http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/LL5WTZV. When the link open answer  tak  (yes) to the question : “Should Ewa win?”

New Year, a happy New Year

It is just a year ago that Barka for Mutual Help Ireland was invited by the The Mendicity Institution and Dublin City Council. Now we can proudly say, that we have found our place in the your ‘fair city’. Barka joined a network of Irish organisations in order to support the migrants from Central and Eastern Europe. We are very happy to cooperate with them and to continuously improve our relations. Our reconnection program is based on close cooperation with the Barka Foundation and the Barka Network in Poland as well as supporting organisations in other countries. Over the past year 54 migrants were reconnected to their home countries. The labour market reconnections are very important too. Our service providing help in creating CVs, finding work opportunities and developing skills has been available since May. More than 60 persons sought advice at Barka’s employment service. More than 17 job seekers were able to find and maintain legal employment subsequently moving out of homelessness and/or economic vulnerability.


From the beginning to the end of November 2012, 7 citizens from Central and Eastern Europe went back with Barka IE’s support to their homeland and to the communities of Barka in Poland.

  • Return to Poland – 5 persons; (to Barka’s communities);
  • Return to Romania – 1 person (to family);
  • Return to Germany – 1 person (to family).

Barka in Dutch daily paper “Trouw”

The Dutch daily , ‘Trouw’ published an article about Barka’s work for the homeless migrants from Poland and other Middle and Eastern European countries in Holland, Great Britain and Ireland. The Trouw journalist visited Barka Network programmes around Poznan in Poland, among them: a community home in Posadówek, where he spoke to persons, who returned to Poland after being homeless in Holland and in the UK.

Polish people find shelter in the homeland
Ekke Overbeek,

Polish organization Barka helps in the big Dutch cities the homeless immigrants to return home. Polish people, who have nowhere to go, can join community homes in Poland. Like the one in Posadowek, about 40 km from Poznan.

The men sit silently around the table. Stasiek says: ‘The best spot for the night is at the IJ-riverside in Amsterdam North. Take the ferry behind the station and there will always be an empty boat.Usually the owners do not make trouble’. Yet, sometimes they do. ‘Once two guys came to chase me away. Just as I wanted to go on the pier, they said: No, along there. They pointed to the water.’ I walked round in wet clothes for three days. ‘It was cold, very cold’.

Bad luck put a stop to Stasiek’s career as a handy-man in the Netherlands. ‘What happened, I do not know. It drizzled and the last thing I saw was a white truck. After three days I recovered in the hospital.’ His knee was ruined. Money run out and he ended up on the street.

After two and a half years of being homeless he got the offer to return to Poland. ‘I had thought I was on my own in this world. I could not imagine, that there was something like a shelter,’ says Stasiek, who has never heard about Barka.

This shelter is in Posadowek, it is a former farm standing in bare meadows. Stasiek is helping on a daily basis in the kitchen of the community and he works in a second-hand shop. ‘Sometimes I long for going back to Amsterdam. But here, I got the peace and the time to think how it will be.’ Recently he has got his welder certificate. ‘I think I will try to obtain the LGV driving licence. You never know what can be useful in your life.’

The group of people like Stasiek, who returned to Poland, is fairly new. In 2007 Barka UK was established, shortly after that Barka IE. Since then, more than 2000 Polish citizens who were stranded on the Isles, returned. Among the 150 East-Europeans, whom Barka assisted in the Netherlands, 110 were Poles. Two third of them was able to go back to their homes. Others got sheltered in the communities, like Posadowek.

In the early 90s there wasn’t any large scale labour migration to Western Europe. In Poland, there was enough misery. Big governmental enterprises went bankrupt. Thousands had nothing. Barka was established for them. Barka means literally ‘barge’ figuratively ‘lifeboat’.

‘Everybody said that my parents went mad’, says Maria Sadowska. She was too little to remember how her parents, in the middle of the winter, with a group of outcasts founded the first living community; two high-born university graduates with toddlers, in a house full of hardened criminals, ex-prostitutes and homeless. ‘All sins under one roof.’

But the Sadowski’s were tough fellows. Twenty years later, their life work has developed into a network of social work places, living communities and reintegration projects. ‘From the point, that Poland joined the EU, the financing became much easier’ says Maria in the center for social integration in Poznan. The cabinet is full of tributes: photo of Sadowski and the Polish president, the Ford Foundation Award, a charter from Pope John Paul II.

Most of the Polish have heard about Barka. ‘I remember seeing a story about Barka on TV’, says Jozek. ‘But I have never thought I would end up here.’ His daughter evicted him, just after his girlfriend died. ‘Like disused furniture’ he concludes bitter. Now he is the leader of the community in Posadowek. He carefully peels organic apples from own breed and places the pieces in the bowl. ‘It is not exactly like in a family. But still, it is our home.’

Reconnections- October

Throughout October 4 citizens from Central and  Eastern Europe came back to their countries or Barka communities with help of Barka IE.

  • Return to Latvia –2 persons(to family);
  • Return to Poland –2 persons (1 person to family and 1 person to Barka’s community).


Social Franchising in Europe seminar in Brussels

On the 10th of October Ewa Sadowska ( Barka UK ) and Magdalena Chwarscianek ( Barka NL) participated in a seminar on social franchising in Europe organized by REVES Network in Brussels. During the seminar, the representatives of international networks ( Social Economy Europe, European Social Franchising Network) spoke about possibilities for development of social entrepreneurship and social franchising. The examples of social franchising and using ESF funds were presented ( Le Mat- network of hotels, CASA-Care and Share Associates- network of cooperatives of carers) Ewa Sadowska presented Barka Network and developing programmes for social and vocational reintegration in Poland ( together with the legislation) as an example of social franchising. Members of the European Parliament and European Commission spoke about European regulations and possibilities for social entrepreneurship.

Barka in Dutch NOS television


Reconnections – September

3 citizens from Central and Eastern Europe went back to their homeland in September with the support of Barka IE.

  • Return to Czech Republic – 2 persons(to families);
  • Return to Lithuania – 1 person (to family).

Training of groups from Ireland and England in Barka in Poland

15 people took part in a two-weeks trainings programmes in Barka’s Network between July and August. The trainings were financed by the European Comission through Leonardo da Vinci Mobility 2012 Programme. Barka IE and Barka UK received grants which enabled the two organizations to organize trainings in Barka Poland for the representatives of local governments and civic organizations. During the trainings the participants had the opportunity to gain practical and theoretical knowledge of social economy market. They learned about the mechanisms of functioning of the Communities, Centres for Social Integration, partnerships, social co-operatives and social enterprises. They also had the opportunity to meet representatives of local authorities and employees of Social Welfare Centres and civic organizations.

Within the Leonardo Mobility programme over 40 participants will come to Barka Poland for the two-weeks training. 11 of them were from Ireland.

Training programme August (PDF file)

Extension of Reconnection and Reintegration Initiative with Barka

Dublin Region Homeless Executive Newsletter

Initiative supports 27 Eastern European migrants to return home and exit homelessness

A joint initiative between Dublin City Council (DCC), Mendicity Institution (Charitable Trust) and Barka (Polish NGO) has successfully reconnected 27 Eastern European migrants who were formerly homeless back to their homeland.

The initiative was set up in January 2012 and the Steering Group for teh Initiative set a target of reconnecting and reintegrating 20 individuals back home, this was exceeded and the initiative has been extended for a further six months.

The initiative emerged as a significant and timely next step from the decision to provide designated emergency accommodation at Charlemont St. (and subsequently North Frederick St.) for non Irish nationals in July 2011, and to provide the opportunity for an agreed interagency cooperation to be established between DCC, Crosscare, Depaul Ireland, and the New Communities Unit, Department of Social Protection(DSP), which is focused on a target group of migrants consistently presenting to homeless services. The role and visibility of the Mendicity Institution Day Centre was equally as important as DCC, as many of the residents of North Frederick Street access meals and support and this provides a very positive environment for engagement from Barka.

The success of the initiative comes down to the engagement with project ‘leaders’ from Barka. These are individuals who have experienced hardship themselves and have spent a period of their lives homeless and rough sleeping. The nature of the contact is time intensive, as it requires building trust and confidence with each individual to influence consideration to the reconnection option. The Barka team had over 2,500 contacts with over 60 individuals in the term of the six month pilot programme.

Within the current regulatory context, DCC acts as the provider of ‘last resort’ to those who have lost employment and who do not qualify for welfare support. This combined with the complexity of personal issues that individuals are experiencing, presents a significant challenge to the local authority and other statutory and voluntary services to be in a position to provide meaningful solutions.

Providing stabilised accommodation provided for the first time the ability to establish a detailed profile of the migrant group and their experience in homelessness. It was effective in compiling detailed information on the majority of residents with their consent, establishing status and entitlements and referrals to DSP for further action and decision. There were positive outcomes for a number of residents in this regard, which enabled further supported intervention towards an exit from homelessness.

Source: Dublin Region Homeless Executive Newsletter