Entries by Aneta Kubas

Reconnection of vulnerable citizen of EU of January – June 2019

We are proud to share that from the 1st of January till the 30st of June 2019, 37 people were reconnected via Barka IE to their home countries. The nationality breakdown of reconnected individuals: Country of origin Number of reconnections Poland 16 (43,3%) Lithuania 10 (27%) Latvia 6 (16,2%) Hungary 4 (10.8%) Romania 1 (2,7%) […]

Fundacja Barka poszukuje pracownika programu pomocy bezdomnym obywatelom krajów Europy Środkowo- Wschodniej w Reykjaviku

Fundacja Barka poszukuje pracownika programu pomocy bezdomnym obywatelom krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej w Reykjaviku. Barka prowadzi od 10 lat programy pomocowe m.in. w Londynie, Dublinie, Hadze, Rotterdamie, Antwerpii. Projekt prowadzony będzie we współpracy z Urzędem Miasta Reykjavik. Jego celem jest pomoc obywatelom krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej w wyjściu z bezdomności, uzależnień i innych trudności życiowych. Projekt będzie […]

Barka hosted Polish stand at Intercultural Day

On the 21th of May Barka team took part in Intercultural Day on World Day for Cultural Diversity, hosted by Merchants Quay Ireland. Seven countries in all were represented and it was a wonderful opportunity for participants to learn more about some of the cultures where the beneficiaries come from. There was delicious food sampled as […]

Day of Restoration of the State of Lithuania

In February Barka team was invited to the Day of Restoration of the State of Lithuania celebration at the Lithuanian Embassy in Dublin. The event was hosted by Ambassador Egidijus Meilūnas and Minister consuelor Rasa Žemaityte. Highlight of the event was the performance of singer Raimonda Masiulyte. Barka would like to pass the greetings of […]

Meeting with the Polish Parliamentary Committee

Barka team in Dublin had the honor to participate in the meeting with the Polish Parliamentary Committee for Communication with Polish Diaspora Abroad. The meeting took place in MyMind (Psychotherapy Dublin) on Tuesday 12th February. Members of Parliament and the Commission met with Poles working for Polish and Irish aid organizations. They are particularly interested in the […]